May HoroSCOOPs: Gemini

Hello Geminis, here’s to wishing you a happy birthday month, full of sweet times and lovely treats! While you ponder how you want to spend your birthday, let’s take a look at your flavor forecast for your special month! In the first few days of May, when Venus enters your house, you’ll find yourself invigorated and searching to express yourself with beauty and your appearance. This might be through playing with makeup or wearing colors that you don’t ordinarily wear. You may find yourself being markedly more sociable and comfortable going out with friends that you may not have seen in a while, which will do wonders for recharging your social battery! Don’t be scared to push yourself to go for a night out; sure, it’s nice to be comfortable at home, but going out can give you some healthy social stimulation. Be wary, though, when Mercury goes into retrograde in your sign on May 10th; it warns of miscommunication, so it may help to be somewhat more meticulous in your handling career and relationships.   Almost immediately after, though, you’re going to feel a surge of confidence, and your infectious energy will start to draw people toward you! Enjoy yourself, and ride the wave of human connection that’s sure to follow. This will be a great month for networking, meeting new people and celebrating the things about yourself that you can be thankful for! Your flavor of the month should be as unexpectedly bold and bright as you’re going to be, so we think that something like lychee bandung or a banana split milkshake stands out perfectly!